Inter.Multichampion Nr.1 International Atchafalaya Halina & MAŁEGO Ksieciadalemir
had a harmonious, successful rendezvous on 07/07/2012
Excellent noble, wonderful, coursing and racing enthusiasts show parents with great character!
Halina will be mum late August-early September (06/09/2012)!
There are more than a half dozen puppies and then we stopped counting.
We enjoy the wonderful time of the pregnancy and look forward to the birth, lovely, beautiful, noble and healthy Chart Polski!
The warmest thanks for your fingers crossed and you have believed us!
There are more than a half dozen puppies and then we stopped counting.
We enjoy the wonderful time of the pregnancy and look forward to the birth, lovely, beautiful, noble and healthy Chart Polski!
The warmest thanks for your fingers crossed and you have believed us!
We want to sell it in good hands when you have a nice place surrounded by her family and love may grow old.
If you are interested in a small puppy please call us at +49-2744-930082 and +49-172-3917822 or write to us,
we look forward to seeing you
Your family Tobisch
Kennel Szlachetny lowca / Germany
Edle Jäger
Der Chart Polski-unsere Chart Polski!
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